That’s Amore!

Peninsula Italian American Social Club 100 N. B Street, San Mateo, CA, United States

We’re going live with a tribute to the King of Cool himself! Ticket sales are now closed, but you may add yourself to the waitlist by calling Cathy McDermott at […]

¡Eso es Amore!

Peninsula Italian American Social Club 100 N. B Street, San Mateo, CA, United States

¡Vamos en directo con un homenaje al mismísimo King of Cool! La venta de entradas ya está cerrada, pero puede inscribirse en la lista de espera llamando a Cathy McDermott […]

Đó là Amore!

Peninsula Italian American Social Club 100 N. B Street, San Mateo, CA, United States

Chúng tôi sẽ phát trực tiếp với sự tôn vinh dành cho chính King of Cool! Việc bán vé hiện đã kết thúc, nhưng bạn có thể thêm mình vào […]


Peninsula Italian American Social Club 100 N. B Street, San Mateo, CA, United States

我们将在现场向 "酷王 "本人致敬! 门票销售现已结束,但您可以通过拨打650.532.2562的Cathy McDermott电话将自己加入到等待名单中。

Event Series *VIRTUAL* Death Café

*VIRTUAL* Death Café

Virtual Event Virtual Event

At a Death Café, anyone can participate! We gather in a virtual environment, to openly and tenderly talk about death and dying. The conversation is facilitated and is a completely […]


请加入作者Dana Lacy Amarisa的行列,她将以亲切、富有洞察力和直截了当的演讲开始,讲述向可能因任何事情而悲伤的朋友、商业伙伴或家庭成员表示有益慰问的实际而又以心为本的步骤。 这个讲座是根据阿玛瑞莎的书编写的、 哀悼袖珍指南:对哀悼者该说什么和不该说什么 . 随后,阿玛瑞莎与Mission Hospice丧亲协调员克莉丝汀-科瓦奇(Christine Kovach)一起参加了问答环节,深入探讨如何弥合悲伤者与他们的支持人(朋友、家人等)之间可能存在的差距。 最后,但绝对不是最不重要的,我们将以体验式讨论来结束本次会议,听众可以就如何从心底里说安慰的话进行辅导,或者就如何与悲伤的朋友开始治疗性对话提出问题或意见。 关于作者: 阿玛丽萨女士创立了 "成为桥梁 "吊唁项目,通过鼓励和教育他们的家人、朋友和商业伙伴进行有益的吊唁,帮助缓解与那些因任何事情而悲伤的人的对话。

Serie *VIRTUAL* Arte para sanar el duelo

Este grupo *virtual* mensual gratuito de apoyo a las artes expresivas (2º jueves de cada mes, del 12 de mayo al 13 de octubre de 2022) ofrece a adultos y […]


这个免费的*虚拟*月度表达性艺术支持小组(每月第二个星期四,2022年5月12日至10月13日)为成年人和成熟的青少年提供一个表达悲伤的创意渠道。 不需要艺术经验;如果需要,将通过邮件提供艺术材料。 這個團體向加州安寧療護病人的家屬和所有居住在聖馬刁和聖克拉拉郡地區的喪親者開放。 请通过电子邮件联系主持人Christine Kovach, LCSW,了解更多信息并报名参加该小组。


加入作者Dana Lacy Amarisa(《吊唁袖珍指南》)的行列,她将带领我们对我们的文化中最常说的无益的吊唁进行一次富有同情心的旅行--用它们作为向悲伤的朋友提供有意义的安慰的路线图。 "我几乎说了所有我敦促人们永远不要对一个悲伤的朋友说的慰问话。所以在这里不做任何评判。在我们知道之前,我们不知道。"-- 阿玛丽萨 她亲切、有洞察力、直截了当的风格在她的演讲和随后的体验式问答环节中都有所体现,观众可以接受辅导,了解如何从心底里说安慰的话,或者可以就开始与悲伤的朋友进行治愈性对话提出问题或意见。 关于作者: 阿玛丽萨女士创立了 "成为桥梁 "吊唁项目,通过鼓励和教育他们的家人、朋友和商业伙伴进行有益的吊唁,帮助缓解与那些因任何事情而悲伤的人的对话。

Event Series *VIRTUAL* Death Café

*VIRTUAL* Death Café

Virtual Event Virtual Event

At a Death Café, anyone can participate! We gather in a virtual environment, to openly and tenderly talk about death and dying. The conversation is facilitated and is a completely […]


由于生活中的事件没有被我们理解为损失,所以很多悲伤没有被看到,也没有被治愈。 然后,悲伤者感到被误解,给他们造成了第二次损失--失去了他们迫切需要的支持网络,以便痊愈。 许多类型的倾听之一--深层倾听--是支持悲伤的朋友的根本,也是我们都可以学习的技能。 加入作者Dana Lacy Amarisa (慰问品袖珍指南),感谢她的善良、有见地、直截了当。 关于深度聆听的三个步骤的演讲此外,还有一个体验式的问答环节,听众希望得到关于如何深入倾听的辅导,或对开始与悲伤的朋友进行治疗性对话有疑问或意见的人。 关于作者: 阿玛丽萨女士创立了 "成为桥梁 "吊唁项目,通过鼓励和教育他们的家人、朋友和商业伙伴进行有益的吊唁,帮助缓解与那些因任何事情而悲伤的人的对话。

*Club de lectura de apoyo al duelo *VIRTUAL

Este club de lectura mensual *virtual* gratuito de apoyo al duelo (4º lunes de cada mes, del 24 de enero al 27 de junio, de 18:00 a 19:30) está dirigido […]


这个免费的*虚拟*月度悲伤支持读书会(每月第四个星期一,1月24日至6月27日,晚上6-7点半)是为那些喜欢阅读和讨论故事与他们自己的悲伤经历有关的人而设。 请通过电子邮件联系主持人Christine Kovach, LCSW,了解更多信息并报名参加该小组。

*Club de lectura de apoyo al duelo *VIRTUAL

Este club de lectura mensual *virtual* gratuito de apoyo al duelo (4º lunes de cada mes, del 24 de enero al 22 de agosto, de 18:00 a 19:30) está dirigido […]


这个免费的*虚拟*月度悲伤支持读书会(每月第四个星期一,1月24日至8月22日,晚上6-7点半)是为那些喜欢阅读和讨论故事与他们自己的悲伤经历有关的人而设。 请通过电子邮件联系主持人Christine Kovach, LCSW,了解更多信息并报名参加该小组。

Serie *VIRTUAL* Arte para sanar el duelo

Este grupo *virtual* mensual gratuito de apoyo a las artes expresivas (2º jueves de cada mes, del 12 de mayo al 13 de octubre de 2022) ofrece a adultos y […]


这个免费的*虚拟*月度表达性艺术支持小组(每月第二个星期四,2022年5月12日至10月13日)为成年人和成熟的青少年提供一个表达悲伤的创意渠道。 不需要艺术经验;如果需要,将通过邮件提供艺术材料。 這個團體向加州安寧療護病人的家屬和所有居住在聖馬刁和聖克拉拉郡地區的喪親者開放。 请通过电子邮件联系主持人Christine Kovach, LCSW,了解更多信息并报名参加该小组。

*VIRTUAL* Death over Drafts with Hospice Nurse Gabby Jimenez

Virtual Event Virtual Event

Join this interactive & informal community, hosted by Reimagine, to spark compassion, curiosity, & connection with special guest: Gabrielle Jimenez, LVN, CHPLN. Gather for inspired conversation & support around end […]

Serie *VIRTUAL* Arte para sanar el duelo

Este grupo *virtual* mensual gratuito de apoyo a las artes expresivas (2º jueves de cada mes, del 12 de mayo al 13 de octubre de 2022) ofrece a adultos y […]


这个免费的*虚拟*月度表达性艺术支持小组(每月第二个星期四,2022年5月12日至10月13日)为成年人和成熟的青少年提供一个表达悲伤的创意渠道。 不需要艺术经验;如果需要,将通过邮件提供艺术材料。 這個團體向加州安寧療護病人的家屬和所有居住在聖馬刁和聖克拉拉郡地區的喪親者開放。 请通过电子邮件联系主持人Christine Kovach, LCSW,了解更多信息并报名参加该小组。

*VIRTUAL* Game Night: The Death Deck

Virtual Event Virtual Event

Come play the card game that lets you explore the “taboo” topic we’re often afraid to discuss. The Death Deck’s cards are filled with a sense of humor to ease […]

Event Series Healing Touch Level 2 Training

Healing Touch Level 2 Training

Mission Hospice Peninsula Office 66 Bovet Rd., San Mateo, CA, United States

  Healing Touch is a gentle, complementary energy-based approach to health and healing. Training in this evidence-based practice can be useful for all professional and family caregivers. This two-day Level […]

*Club de lectura de apoyo al duelo *VIRTUAL

Este club de lectura mensual *virtual* gratuito de apoyo al duelo (4º lunes de cada mes, del 24 de enero al 22 de agosto, de 18:00 a 19:30) está dirigido […]


这个免费的*虚拟*月度悲伤支持读书会(每月第四个星期一,1月24日至8月22日,晚上6-7点半)是为那些喜欢阅读和讨论故事与他们自己的悲伤经历有关的人而设。 请通过电子邮件联系主持人Christine Kovach, LCSW,了解更多信息并报名参加该小组。

Serie *VIRTUAL* Arte para sanar el duelo

Este grupo *virtual* mensual gratuito de apoyo a las artes expresivas (2º jueves de cada mes, del 12 de mayo al 13 de octubre de 2022) ofrece a adultos y […]


这个免费的*虚拟*月度表达性艺术支持小组(每月第二个星期四,2022年5月12日至10月13日)为成年人和成熟的青少年提供一个表达悲伤的创意渠道。 不需要艺术经验;如果需要,将通过邮件提供艺术材料。 這個團體向加州安寧療護病人的家屬和所有居住在聖馬刁和聖克拉拉郡地區的喪親者開放。 请通过电子邮件联系主持人Christine Kovach, LCSW,了解更多信息并报名参加该小组。

*VIRTUAL* Movies @Mission: Speaking Grief

Moving away from the idea that grief is a problem that needs to be “fixed,” Speaking Grief validates the experience of grievers and guides those wishing to support them. There […]

Serie *VIRTUAL* Arte para sanar el duelo

Este grupo *virtual* mensual gratuito de apoyo a las artes expresivas (2º jueves de cada mes, del 12 de mayo al 13 de octubre de 2022) ofrece a adultos y […]


这个免费的*虚拟*月度表达性艺术支持小组(每月第二个星期四,2022年5月12日至10月13日)为成年人和成熟的青少年提供一个表达悲伤的创意渠道。 不需要艺术经验;如果需要,将通过邮件提供艺术材料。 這個團體向加州安寧療護病人的家屬和所有居住在聖馬刁和聖克拉拉郡地區的喪親者開放。 请通过电子邮件联系主持人Christine Kovach, LCSW,了解更多信息并报名参加该小组。

*VIRTUAL* Breathwork Workshop for Self-Soothing

Virtual Event Virtual Event

Breathwork is a powerful tool for releasing feelings of grief, sorrow, stress, depression, and anxiety, strengthening the lungs, and connecting with a deep sense of peace. Let’s give our lungs […]

*VIRTUAL* Death Cafe

Virtual Event Virtual Event

At a Death Café, anyone can participate! We gather in a virtual environment, to openly and tenderly talk about death and dying. The conversation is facilitated and is a completely […]

*VIRTUAL* Senior Care and Life Planning Virtual Seminar

Virtual Event Virtual Event

You have the right to make decisions about your care, but making a plan can be complicated. A plan allows you to take charge of the kind of care you want. The […]

“Smiles from Heaven” Comedy Showcase Benefit

Manor Houe, Twin Pines Park 10 Twin Pines Lane, Belmont, CA

Tut’n Comedy presents “Smiles from Heaven” Comedy Showcase to benefit Mission House Manor House, Twin Pines Park, Belmont Saturday, November 5, 2-4pm   

Event Series Healing Touch Level 3 Training

Healing Touch Level 3 Training

Mission Hospice Peninsula Office 66 Bovet Rd., San Mateo, CA, United States

  Healing Touch is a gentle, complementary energy-based approach to health and healing. Training in this evidence-based practice can be useful for all professional and family caregivers. This two-day Level […]

*VIRTUAL* Death Cafe

Virtual Event Virtual Event

At a Death Café, anyone can participate! We gather in a virtual environment, to openly and tenderly talk about death and dying. The conversation is facilitated and is a completely […]

Giving Tuesday

Every day, Mission Hospice helps people think about what matters most to them. Our personalized care and support, tailored to patients’ needs and wishes, enable families to make the most […]

SoulCollage for the Grieving Heart, with guest facilitator Robin Modlin

Mission Hospice Peninsula Office 66 Bovet Rd., San Mateo, CA, United States

Robin Modlin, MA is an artist, SoulCollage® facilitator and creator of participatory healing arts projects. She was awarded the 2004 Society for the Arts in Healthcare Blair Sadler award for […]

Worldwide Candle Lighting

Good Shepherd Lutheran Church 301 Burlingame Ave., Burlingame, CA, United States

Come together for an uplifting community memorial celebration. We invite you to join us -- come alone or bring a friend or family member. Registration encouraged, but not required. All […]

*VIRTUAL* Death Cafe in partnership with BACC

Virtual Event Virtual Event

At a Death Café, anyone can participate! We gather in a virtual environment, to openly and tenderly talk about death and dying. The conversation is facilitated and is a completely […]

*VIRTUAL* Movies @Mission: Living with Dying

What does it feel like to discover you have a life-limiting diagnosis? How do you care for someone you love who is dying and how do you make the right […]

44th Anniversary Celebration

Peninsula Golf & Country Club 701 Madera Drive, San Mateo, CA

Tickets are on sale now for our 44th anniversary celebration, where we honor the volunteers, donors, staff, and community partners of Mission Hospice & Home Care. Sunday, January 29, 2-5pm […]

Reunión informativa para nuevos voluntarios

Mission Hospice Peninsula Office 66 Bovet Rd., San Mateo, CA, United States

¿Le interesa trabajar como voluntario con nuestros pacientes? Aquí tienes la oportunidad de obtener más información e inscribirte en nuestra formación de febrero y marzo de 2023. Póngase en contacto […]

Cuộc họp thông tin tình nguyện viên mới

Mission Hospice Peninsula Office 66 Bovet Rd., San Mateo, CA, United States

Quan tâm đến tình nguyện với bệnh nhân của chúng tôi? Đây là cơ hội để bạn tìm hiểu thêm và đăng ký khóa đào tạo vào tháng 2 và […]


Mission Hospice Peninsula Office 66 Bovet Rd., San Mateo, CA, United States

有兴趣为我们的病人提供志愿服务吗? 这是你了解更多信息并报名参加我们2023年2月和3月培训的机会。 请致电650.532.2323或通过电子邮件联系志愿者服务主任Craig Schroeder,以报名参加此次会议。

Reunión informativa para nuevos voluntarios

Mission Hospice Peninsula Office 66 Bovet Rd., San Mateo, CA, United States

¿Le interesa trabajar como voluntario con nuestros pacientes? Aquí tienes la oportunidad de obtener más información e inscribirte en nuestra formación de febrero y marzo de 2023. Póngase en contacto […]

Cuộc họp thông tin tình nguyện viên mới

Mission Hospice Peninsula Office 66 Bovet Rd., San Mateo, CA, United States

Quan tâm đến tình nguyện với bệnh nhân của chúng tôi? Đây là cơ hội để bạn tìm hiểu thêm và đăng ký khóa đào tạo vào tháng 2 và […]


Mission Hospice Peninsula Office 66 Bovet Rd., San Mateo, CA, United States

有兴趣为我们的病人提供志愿服务吗? 这是你了解更多信息并报名参加我们2023年2月和3月培训的机会。 请致电650.532.2323或通过电子邮件联系志愿者服务主任Craig Schroeder,以报名参加此次会议。

Author Talk: The Forensic

Julia Beylard Hall, Episcopal Church of St. Matthew, San Mateo 1 South El Camino Real, San Mateo, CA, United States

Local resident Paul Regan will be at St. Matthew’s on March 1 to discuss his memoir, The Forensic. All proceeds benefit Mission Hospice and Samaritan House – come join us […]

¡Tome Cargo! Planificacion del Cuidado en Avance

Virtual Event Virtual Event

¡Tome Cargo! Obtenga la atención médica que desea en función de lo que más importa. Este seminario web analiza cómo hablar sobre sus deseos de atención con las personas importantes […]

Event Series Healing Touch Level 2 Training

Healing Touch Level 1 Training

Mission Hospice Peninsula Office 66 Bovet Rd., San Mateo, CA, United States

  Healing Touch is a gentle, complementary energy-based approach to health and healing. Training in this evidence-based practice can be useful for all professional and family caregivers. This two-day Level […]

National Healthcare Decisions Day

Virtual Event Virtual Event

In honor of National Healthcare Decisions Day on April 16, we want to celebrate the reasons WHY you decided to have ‘the conversation’ about your advance care plan. Advance care […]

*VIRTUAL* Death Cafe

Virtual Event Virtual Event

At a Death Café, anyone can participate! We gather in a virtual environment, to openly and tenderly talk about death and dying. The conversation is facilitated and is a completely […]

*VIRTUAL* Take Charge! Advance Care Planning Tips

Virtual Event Virtual Event

Get the health care you want based on what matters most. This webinar will discuss how to talk about your wishes for care with the important people in your life, […]

Our monthly email newsletter offers inspiration, support, and news about our events and programs Sign Up Here!

Peninsula Office

66 Bovet Road, Suite 100
San Mateo, CA 94402

South Bay Office

1688 Willow Street, Suite A-2
San Jose, CA 95125