Worldwide Candle Lighting

Mission Blue Center 475 Mission Blue Dr., Brisbane, United States

Come together for an uplifting community memorial celebration. We invite you to join us -- come alone or bring a friend or family member. Registration encouraged, but not required. All […]

*VIRTUAL* Death Cafe

Virtual Event Virtual Event

At a Death Café, anyone can participate! We gather in a virtual environment, to openly and tenderly talk about death and dying. The conversation is facilitated and is a completely […]

Ritual and Ceremony: Forgiveness of Self and Others

Virtual Event Virtual Event

As a hospice nurse, and an end-of-life doula, Gabby Jimenez uses a lot of ritual and ceremony in her work. Gabby has witnessed the comfort they bring to patients and […]

*VIRTUAL* Death Cafe

Virtual Event Virtual Event

At a Death Café, anyone can participate! We gather in a virtual environment, to openly and tenderly talk about death and dying. The conversation is facilitated and is a completely […]

45th Anniversary Celebration

Peninsula Golf & Country Club 701 Madera Drive, San Mateo, CA

Tickets are on sale now for our 45th anniversary celebration, where we honor the volunteers, donors, staff, and community partners of Mission Hospice & Home Care. Sunday, February 4, 2-5pm […]

New Volunteer Information Meeting

Mission Hospice Peninsula Office 66 Bovet Rd., San Mateo, CA, United States

Interested in volunteering with our patients? Here’s your chance to find out more and sign up for our February and March 2024 training. Please contact Volunteer Services Director Craig Schroeder […]

New Volunteer Information Meeting

Mission Hospice Peninsula Office 66 Bovet Rd., San Mateo, CA, United States

Interested in volunteering with our patients? Here’s your chance to find out more and sign up for our February and March 2024 training. Please contact Volunteer Services Director Craig Schroeder […]

*VIRTUAL* Death Cafe

Virtual Event Virtual Event

At a Death Café, anyone can participate! We gather in a virtual environment, to openly and tenderly talk about death and dying. The conversation is facilitated and is a completely […]

Caregiver’s Cafe: A Place to Learn, Connect, and Recharge!

Sky Cafe 223 Grand Ave, South San Francisco, CA, United States

We invite you to join us for a Caregiver’s Cafe! As a family caregiver, you are an essential part of your loved one's care team and play a vital role […]

*VIRTUAL* Death Cafe

Virtual Event Virtual Event

At a Death Café, anyone can participate! We gather in a virtual environment, to openly and tenderly talk about death and dying. The conversation is facilitated and is a completely […]

Understanding and Coping with Grief 了解和面對哀傷

Virtual Event Virtual Event

失去是人生裡頭每個人都無法避免的事情。哀傷是失去後的自然反應,但每個人的哀傷都可以不一樣。 我們真正了解什麼是哀傷嗎?我們又應該如何面對和調理哀傷?這個講座將會帶領大家了解哀傷和講解面對哀傷的健康方式。

*VIRTUAL* Death Cafe

Virtual Event Virtual Event

At a Death Café, anyone can participate! We gather in a virtual environment, to openly and tenderly talk about death and dying. The conversation is facilitated and is a completely […]

Understanding and Coping with Grief 了解和面對哀傷

Virtual Event Virtual Event

失去是人生裡頭每個人都無法避免的事情。哀傷是失去後的自然反應,但每個人的哀傷都可以不一樣。 我們真正了解什麼是哀傷嗎?我們又應該如何面對和調理哀傷?這個講座將會帶領大家了解哀傷和講解面對哀傷的健康方式。

Benefit Poker Night

Foster City Recreation Center 1000 E Hillsdale Blvd, Foster City, United States

The Mission Hospice Auxiliary invites you to our benefit poker night on Friday, May 10 from 7-11pm at the Foster City Rec Center! Join us for a fun tournament and […]

*VIRTUAL* Estate Planning Seminar

Virtual Event Virtual Event

Does your estate plan need review, so it continues to meet your needs? Even if you have a personalized estate plan, it’s important to periodically consider the plan that comes […]

Be Strong, Live Long Health & Wellness Fair

Fremont Park 1303 Fremont St., Santa Clara, United States

The Santa Clara Senior Center will host the 8th Annual “Be Strong, Live Long” Health and Wellness Fair at Fremont Park, adjacent to the Senior Center. This event celebrates Older […]

Season of Remembrance: Community Memorial Service

College Heights Church 1150 W. Hillsdale Blvd., San Mateo, CA

We invite friends, family, and community members to join the staff and volunteers of Mission Hospice to honor the memory and celebrate the lives of all those we have lost. […]

*VIRTUAL* Death Cafe

Virtual Event Virtual Event

At a Death Café, anyone can participate! We gather in a virtual environment, to openly and tenderly talk about death and dying. The conversation is facilitated and is a completely […]

*VIRTUAL* New to Grief workshop

Virtual Event Virtual Event

When someone experiences a loss, their grief can overwhelm them with strong and conflicting emotions. Some may feel drowned in sorrow, while others feel numb and removed from daily life. […]

Drumming for Self-Care for Caregivers & Bereaved

Palo Alto - location to be announced Palo Alto, CA, United States

A drumming circle invites us to find wholeness in our caregiving and grief journey through a creative, musical experience. Grief, stress, and overwhelm lives in the body, and drumming can […]

Mission Hospice at the San Mateo Pride Celebration

San Mateo Central Park 50 E 5th Ave, San Mateo, United States

JOIN US AT SAN MATEO COUNTY PRIDE 2024! San Mateo County's 12th Annual Pride Celebration is a space to champion inclusion and wellness for LGBTQIA+ folks and allies in our […]

*VIRTUAL* Death Cafe

Virtual Event Virtual Event

At a Death Café, anyone can participate! We gather in a virtual environment, to openly and tenderly talk about death and dying. The conversation is facilitated and is a completely […]

*VIRTUAL* Death Cafe

Virtual Event Virtual Event

At a Death Café, anyone can participate! We gather in a virtual environment, to openly and tenderly talk about death and dying. The conversation is facilitated and is a completely […]

*VIRTUAL* Death Cafe

Virtual Event Virtual Event

At a Death Café, anyone can participate! We gather in a virtual environment, to openly and tenderly talk about death and dying. The conversation is facilitated and is a completely […]

New Volunteer Information Meeting

Mission Hospice Peninsula Office 66 Bovet Rd., San Mateo, CA, United States

Interested in volunteering with our patients? Here’s your chance to find out more and sign up for our next training. Please contact Volunteer Services Director Craig Schroeder at 650.532.2323 or […]

New Volunteer Information Meeting

Mission Hospice Peninsula Office 66 Bovet Rd., San Mateo, CA, United States

Interested in volunteering with our patients? Here’s your chance to find out more and sign up for our next training. Please contact Volunteer Services Director Craig Schroeder at 650.532.2323 or […]

*VIRTUAL* Death Cafe

Virtual Event Virtual Event

At a Death Café, anyone can participate! We gather in a virtual environment, to openly and tenderly talk about death and dying. The conversation is facilitated and is a completely […]

Easing Grief: Mini-Retreat with Comfort Animals

Jasper Ridge Farm 2720 Alpine Rd., Portola Valley, United States

Restorative support for those who are grieving Join our bereavement team at a special care farm in Portola Valley for an afternoon of connection, compassion, and understanding. Our gathering will […]

Aging Wisely, Grief Transitions – Day of the Dead Series

Avenidas 450 Bryant St., Palo Alto, United States

In honor of those we have lost, let us gather to discuss how grief, mourning and rituals have evolved, ways to create new beginnings from sad endings, and renewing our […]

“Coco” The Movie, Cookies & Crafts – Day of the Dead Series

Avenidas 450 Bryant St., Palo Alto, United States

Watch "Coco," Disney's Day of The Dead movie. After the movie, decorate sugar skull cookies and make papel picado and tissue marigolds. All ages welcome. All activities are free and […]

Mission Hospice Auxiliary Fall Gala

Grand Bay Hotel 223 Twin Dolphin Dr., Redwood City

Our annual fall gala will be at the Grand Bay Hotel in Redwood City on Saturday, November 2, 2024. Save the date! The gala is our biggest fundraiser of the […]

Celebration Culmination – Day of the Dead Series

Avenidas 450 Bryant St., Palo Alto, United States

Join as we break down this year's Day of the Dead altar. A member of Ensamble Folclorico Colibri will teach participants an easy ceremonial dance and we'll be guided in […]

Grief Support through the Holidays

An exploration of what to expect in grief around holiday times, and strategies for coping and finding solace. Register on Eventbrite

*VIRTUAL* Grief Book Club

Finding the Words: Working Through Profound Loss with Hope and Purpose by Colin Campbell To register, email

Grief Support through the Holidays

An exploration of what to expect in grief around holiday times, and strategies for coping and finding solace. Register on Eventbrite.

*VIRTUAL* Death Cafe

Virtual Event Virtual Event

At a Death Café, anyone can participate! We gather in a virtual environment, to openly and tenderly talk about death and dying. The conversation is facilitated and is a completely […]

1/2 Day Meditation Retreat: Navigating Grief

Mission Hospice Peninsula Office 66 Bovet Rd., San Mateo, CA, United States

Whether you are an experienced meditator, or brand new to this experience, please feel welcome to join us for a morning of contemplation and practice, led by experienced meditation leader, […]

*VIRTUAL* Death Cafe

Virtual Event Virtual Event

At a Death Café, anyone can participate! We gather in a virtual environment, to openly and tenderly talk about death and dying. The conversation is facilitated and is a completely […]

*VIRTUAL* Grief Book Club

Grief is the Thing with Feathers by Max Porter To register, email

*VIRTUAL* Death Cafe

Virtual Event Virtual Event

At a Death Café, anyone can participate! We gather in a virtual environment, to openly and tenderly talk about death and dying. The conversation is facilitated and is a completely […]

*Grupo virtual* de apoyo a víctimas de suicidio

Este grupo de apoyo quincenal *virtual* gratuito (1er y 3er jueves por la tarde) está dirigido a adultos que sufren la pérdida de un ser querido por suicidio. Este grupo […]

*ẢO* Nhóm hỗ trợ mất mát tự tử

Nhóm hỗ trợ miễn phí *ảo* hai tuần một lần (các buổi tối thứ Năm của tuần thứ nhất và thứ ba) dành cho những người trưởng thành đang đau […]


这个免费的*虚拟*双周支持小组(第一和第三个星期四晚上)是为因失去亲人自杀而悲伤的成年人而设。 这个小组向Mission Hospice病人的家属开放,并向居住在Mission Hospice地理服务区的所有丧亲者开放。 请通过电子邮件联系Christine Kovach, LCSW,了解更多信息并报名参加该小组。

*虚拟*落地支持小组 – 第1/3/5个星期六上午

这个两周一次的*虚拟*上门服务的丧亲支持小组是通过视频/电话免费提供的。 这个小组向Mission Hospice病人的家属开放,并向居住在Mission Hospice地理服务区的所有丧亲者开放。  请通过电子邮件联系Christine Kovach, LCSW了解更多信息。

*虚拟*落地支持小组 – 星期四下午

这个每周一次的*虚拟*上门服务的丧亲支持小组是通过视频/电话提供的,免费。 它開放給安寧療護病人的家屬,以及居住在安寧療護地理服務區的所有喪親者。 请通过电子邮件联系Christine Kovach, LCSW了解更多信息。

*虚拟*落地支持小组 – 周二晚间

这个每周一次的*虚拟*上门服务的丧亲支持小组是通过视频/电话提供的,免费。 这个小组向Mission Hospice病人的家属开放,并向居住在Mission Hospice地理服务区的所有丧亲者开放。 请通过电子邮件联系主持人Christine Kovach, LCSW了解更多信息。

*虚拟*落地支持小组 – 星期四下午

这个每周一次的*虚拟*上门服务的丧亲支持小组是通过视频/电话提供的,免费。 它開放給安寧療護病人的家屬,以及居住在安寧療護地理服務區的所有喪親者。 请通过电子邮件联系Christine Kovach, LCSW了解更多信息。

*虚拟*落地支持小组 – 星期四下午

这个每周一次的*虚拟*上门服务的丧亲支持小组是通过视频/电话提供的,免费。 它開放給安寧療護病人的家屬,以及居住在安寧療護地理服務區的所有喪親者。 请通过电子邮件联系Christine Kovach, LCSW了解更多信息。

*Grupo virtual* de apoyo a víctimas de suicidio

Este grupo de apoyo quincenal *virtual* gratuito (1er y 3er jueves por la tarde) está dirigido a adultos que sufren la pérdida de un ser querido por suicidio. Este grupo […]

*ẢO* Nhóm hỗ trợ mất mát tự tử

Nhóm hỗ trợ miễn phí *ảo* hai tuần một lần (các buổi tối thứ Năm của tuần thứ nhất và thứ ba) dành cho những người trưởng thành đang đau […]


这个免费的*虚拟*双周支持小组(第一和第三个星期四晚上)是为因失去亲人自杀而悲伤的成年人而设。 这个小组向Mission Hospice病人的家属开放,并向居住在Mission Hospice地理服务区的所有丧亲者开放。 请通过电子邮件联系Christine Kovach, LCSW,了解更多信息并报名参加该小组。

*Grupo virtual* de apoyo a víctimas de suicidio

Este grupo de apoyo quincenal *virtual* gratuito (1er y 3er jueves por la tarde) está dirigido a adultos que sufren la pérdida de un ser querido por suicidio. Este grupo […]

*ẢO* Nhóm hỗ trợ mất mát tự tử

Nhóm hỗ trợ miễn phí *ảo* hai tuần một lần (các buổi tối thứ Năm của tuần thứ nhất và thứ ba) dành cho những người trưởng thành đang đau […]


这个免费的*虚拟*双周支持小组(第一和第三个星期四晚上)是为因失去亲人自杀而悲伤的成年人而设。 这个小组向Mission Hospice病人的家属开放,并向居住在Mission Hospice地理服务区的所有丧亲者开放。 请通过电子邮件联系Christine Kovach, LCSW,了解更多信息并报名参加该小组。

*虚拟*落地支持小组 – 第1/3/5个星期六上午

这个两周一次的*虚拟*上门服务的丧亲支持小组是通过视频/电话免费提供的。 这个小组向Mission Hospice病人的家属开放,并向居住在Mission Hospice地理服务区的所有丧亲者开放。  请通过电子邮件联系Christine Kovach, LCSW了解更多信息。

*虚拟*落地支持小组 – 第1/3/5个星期六上午

这个两周一次的*虚拟*上门服务的丧亲支持小组是通过视频/电话免费提供的。 这个小组向Mission Hospice病人的家属开放,并向居住在Mission Hospice地理服务区的所有丧亲者开放。  请通过电子邮件联系Christine Kovach, LCSW了解更多信息。

*虚拟*落地支持小组 – 周二晚间

这个每周一次的*虚拟*上门服务的丧亲支持小组是通过视频/电话提供的,免费。 这个小组向Mission Hospice病人的家属开放,并向居住在Mission Hospice地理服务区的所有丧亲者开放。 请通过电子邮件联系主持人Christine Kovach, LCSW了解更多信息。

*虚拟*落地支持小组 – 周二晚间

这个每周一次的*虚拟*上门服务的丧亲支持小组是通过视频/电话提供的,免费。 这个小组向Mission Hospice病人的家属开放,并向居住在Mission Hospice地理服务区的所有丧亲者开放。 请通过电子邮件联系主持人Christine Kovach, LCSW了解更多信息。

*虚拟*落地支持小组 – 星期四下午

这个每周一次的*虚拟*上门服务的丧亲支持小组是通过视频/电话提供的,免费。 它開放給安寧療護病人的家屬,以及居住在安寧療護地理服務區的所有喪親者。 请通过电子邮件联系Christine Kovach, LCSW了解更多信息。

*虚拟*落地支持小组 – 星期四下午

这个每周一次的*虚拟*上门服务的丧亲支持小组是通过视频/电话提供的,免费。 它開放給安寧療護病人的家屬,以及居住在安寧療護地理服務區的所有喪親者。 请通过电子邮件联系Christine Kovach, LCSW了解更多信息。

*虚拟*落地支持小组 – 星期四下午

这个每周一次的*虚拟*上门服务的丧亲支持小组是通过视频/电话提供的,免费。 它開放給安寧療護病人的家屬,以及居住在安寧療護地理服務區的所有喪親者。 请通过电子邮件联系Christine Kovach, LCSW了解更多信息。

*虚拟*配偶/伴侣丧失支持小组 – 第二/第四个星期六上午

这个每两周一次的*虚拟*上门服务的丧亲支持小组是通过视频/电话免费提供的。 这个小组向Mission Hospice病人的家属开放,并向居住在Mission Hospice地理服务区的所有丧亲者开放。 请通过电子邮件联系Christine Kovach, LCSW了解更多信息。

*虚拟*落地支持小组 – 周二晚间

这个每周一次的*虚拟*上门服务的丧亲支持小组是通过视频/电话提供的,免费。 这个小组向Mission Hospice病人的家属开放,并向居住在Mission Hospice地理服务区的所有丧亲者开放。 请通过电子邮件联系主持人Christine Kovach, LCSW了解更多信息。

*虚拟*落地支持小组 – 周二晚间

这个每周一次的*虚拟*上门服务的丧亲支持小组是通过视频/电话提供的,免费。 这个小组向Mission Hospice病人的家属开放,并向居住在Mission Hospice地理服务区的所有丧亲者开放。 请通过电子邮件联系主持人Christine Kovach, LCSW了解更多信息。

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Peninsula Office

66 Bovet Road, Suite 100
San Mateo, CA 94402